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BrainRx® is a proven SOLUTION that works!


BrainRx® Brain Training Program for stronger mental abilities! The cognitive program is a research-based learning program from the United States. It calls forth faster and more effective learning in everyone!

The program improves:

  • focusing abilities

  • working memory

  • visual and auditory processing

  • processing speed

  • logic and reasoning abilities

  • long term memory


Completing the BrainRx program can enhance the condition of core cognitive skills by even 3.6 mental years in 3 months! The mental training is carried out by a personal brain trainer in a safe emotional sorrounding, during one-one-on interactive sessions.


BrainRx® is based on careful measurements and supported by a wide convergence of evidence of its effectiveness. This is a cognitive program with high effect size results and proves to be the most effective program in the world. The father and originator of the BrainRx Brain Training Program, Dr. Ken Gibson, is a personal patron of our center.

The main merit of BrainRx is that it can identify and successfully treat the root cause of learning deficits. The program eliminates weak core cognitive skills and strengthens them. Elicited life changes can be felt in school, workplace or hobby. Greater motivation, better mood, growing self-confidence are the affective transfer effects of the program. BrainRx can change core cognitive  in half of the time that the actual tutoring or reading programs use in the market.

Better grades and enhanced confidence are just a few of those effects that are indicated by students and their parents. Based on the nearly 22 thousand clients who successfully completed the programs, it is indicated that a 144 hour-long program can enhance the actual skills by even 3.6 mental years or by 15-20 IQ points. Our wide convergence of evidence on the effectiveness of the programs (detailed research results and client outcomes by subgroups) for further study can be downloaded below.


Why BainRx® at IMbright?


BrainRx programs use intense mental exercise to strengthen key skills.

Training takes place in our center, using a unique combination of one-on-one brain training and digital training.

Even though the training is fun and incorporates a variety of game-like exercises, it’s intense and effective.

Pre-training testing allows us to identify specific weak skills so we can target those skills and strengthen them.

Finally, by working with their own personal BrainRx trainer, students get the benefits of customized sessions, accountability, and lots of one-on-one encouragement.


"We say BrainRx… and personal trainer…
  Our clients call it life saver!

 Dr. Ken Gibson

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